Kid's Zone Pupil's Book features:
- an introductory unit reviewing key language from previous levels, as well as introducing the main characters in the exciting ongoing story, The Amazing Kids
- unit openers that activate theme-related vocabulary from Cambridge YLE Starters
- theme-related units, including lessons about amazing people, places and things, as well as special skills-building lessons that actively develop students' listening, speaking and writing skills
- regular reviews that reinforce language presented within the unit and that finish with a theme-related video
- theme-related catchy songs; one in the introductory unit and one after every two reviews
- theme-related CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) and Culture sections that encourage students to engage in pair or group work while focussing on other subjects such as maths or Geography in English, or while exploring a particular aspect of life
- beautifully-illustrated episodes of the exciting ongoing story, The Amazing Kids, that not only capture students' imagination and motivate them to read in English, but also reinforce the themes and language presented in the student's book
- values and Now take it home! features that ensure students connect their learning to the real world

Kids' Zone 5: Activity Book
Kids' Zone 5 Activity Book contains:
- an introductory unit
- six theme-related units, in which lessons 1-4 practise the vocabulary and grammar from the corresponding lesson in the Student's Book while the skills-building lesson provides grammar practice as well as further reading and writing practice
- six reviews, providing further consolidation of the vocabulary and grammar

Kids' Zone 5: Teacher's Book
Kids' Zone Teacher's Book contains:
- clear lesson plans with detailed instructions and the key to all tasks from the Pupil's Book
- background information on some of the reading texts, amazing facts and other texts that refer to real things
- suggestions for extension activities and teaching tips
- the recording scripts with justification underlined for the listening tasks included in the Pupil's Book
- photocopiable songsheets for the songs which appear in each unit of the Pupils' Book
- photocopiable worksheets for each episode of the ongoing story, The Amazing Kids
- the key for the Activity Book

Kids' Zone 5: Class CDs
Class Audio CDs
The Class Audio contains the narration of the reading texts, as well all audio required for the listening tasks, the songs and the episodes of The Amazing Kids in the pupil's book. These recordings can also be accessed on the IWB. Professional actors are used in all recordings to ensure clarity and accurate intonation and pronunciation

Kids' Zone 5: Interactive Whiteboard Software
Interactive Whiteboard Software
The IWB contains the Pupil's Book and the Activity Book. The majority of tasks are interactive and have been developed to be easy to use by both students and teachers alike. The animated ongoing story, the videos for the Now Watch This! features and the listening tasks audio can all be easily accessed on the IWB. The reading texts found in the pupil's book are narrated on the IWB. Justification for all pupil's book listening tasks, pupil's book and workbook reading comprehension tasks are available at the touch of a button, as is the key to all tasks.