Pupil's Book with stickers and e-book
Consisting of a starter unit and eight theme-based units. The main units have 6 pages which include a story , a song, a sticker activity, and a variety of drawing, colouring, matching, counting and sequencing activities. The language focus in each unit is on a number of theme-related lexical items and there are also a few simple structures in the course, such as It's a..., I like..., I can...
The e-book contains songs, voiced flash cards, animated stories.

Activity Book
Accompanies the Pupil's Book and has five pages for each of the main units, including drawing, tracing, colouring, matching, counting and sequencing activities. No new language appears in the Activity Book. The activities on the final page in each of the main units comprises a craft activity.

Cut and Colour Book
Contains flashcards of all the vocabulary items taught in the course. Pupils cut out and colour the flashcardsinthe final lesson of each unit. They use them to play a game in class, and at the end of the lesson they take them home to show their parents.

Teacher's Book
Includes step-by-step lesson plans for each lesson of the course, photocopiable materials and letters for parents.
At the top of ech lesson plan page, there is a teacher-friendly at-a-glancelist of lesson objectives, focus language, receptive language and materials needed for the lesson. The following sections also appear in the lesson plans:
- Beginning the lesson
- Circle time
- Play ...
- Table time
- Activity Book
- Ending the lesson
Finally, there are nine letters for the parents which contain a summary of the activities the pupils have completed as well as the language which has been taught and suggestions on how they can practise the language at home.

Let's Learn English: Flashcards
Flashcard Pack
The flashcard pack contains all the vocabulary items taught in the course, and are labelled with the unit and the word link itself for the teacher. As well as being used for vocabulary presentation and revision, the flashcards are used in a variety of games and activities as suggested in the Teacher's Book.

Let's Learn English: Interactive Whiteboard Software
Interactive Whiteboard Software
Allows the teacher to work in the classroom more efficiently, using all the material online.
The program contains:
- All pages of the Pupil’s Book
- Audio-visual presentation of new vocabulary
- Fully interactive activities and games
- Cross curricular posters and activities
- Fully interactive animated presentation of the new vocabulary;
- Enjoyable animated stories and songs.

Sammy & Kite engages learners through motivating cartoon stories, songs and chants followed by enjoyable playfull activities, initially without the need for reading or writing
- Special 'Sammy's alphabet' lessons introduce the English alphabet with guidance on letter formation and practice on key vocabulary
- Activities are simple, enjoyable and varied and always feasible for young learners
- Extra 'Fun with Sammy' pages offer an opportunity to consolidate language through stimulating games
- Lively, memorable songs and chants bring lessons to life
- Stickers and cut-outs further involve children in Sammy's learning experience

Sammy & Kite Activity Book contains:
- 24 two-page lessons that exactly match the structure of the Pupil's Book making it easy for young learners to follow
- additional Alphabet sections offering graded handwriting practice
- a wide variety of stimulating activities including colouring, drawing, counting, matching and circling activities
- simple and enjoyable games like mazes and join-the-dots

Sammy & Kite Teacher's Book contains:
- clearly laid out and easy to follow teaching notes for each unit in the Pupil's Book
- actual pages of the Pupil's Book in full colour for ease of use
- specially highlighted objectives and materials needed for each lesson
- complete answer key and audioscripts for all tasks in the Pupil's Book
- follow-up tasks and optional additional activities for each lesson
- extra drawings to cut out and use in class

Sammy & Kite: Flashcards
Flashcard Pack
There are picture flashcards for the characters (Sammy, Kite, Katie and Benny) and for all the key words illustratedat he top of the page in the core lessons. The detailed lesson plans in the Teacher's Book provide teaching guidelines on how to use these flashcards. The flashcards can also be used for for revision and games, suggestions for which can also be found in the lesson plans
Alphabet Flashcards: There are 26 alphabet flashcards for use in the Sammy's alphabet lessons. the lesson plans in the Teacher's Book provide teaching guidelines for how to use these flashcards. Each flashcard has a picture to ilustrate the capital letter and the small letter

Sammy & Kite: Interactive Whiteboard Software
Interactive Whiteboard Software
- An interactive version of the Pupil's Book and Workbook;
- A complete set of interactive tools that allow you to easily perform various tasks;
- All course audio materials;
- Additional interactive tasks at the end of each section;
- Full animation of all presentations from the Pupil's Book.

Cambridge YLE Starters Exam Preparation Guide.
Key features:
• five complete practice tests for the updated Cambridge English: Young Learners Starters test
• consolidation exercises after every test to ensure students practise vocabulary which frequently appears in the test.
• full introduction for students and parents which includes detailed information about the test and advice on how to prepare for the test.
• A-Z Word List which includes all the vocabulary students must be familiar with to do well in the test.
• clear audio providing listening practice.
• free access to one complete online practice test.
Available separately:
• Audio CD providing listening practice with authentic British accents
• Interactive Whiteboard Software

Practice Tests for YLE 2018 Starters Teacher's Book
Teacher's Book for the Cambridge YLE Starters Exam Preparation.
• information for teachers about the test which includes an outline of each paper and detailed information on each part within the papers.
• tips on how to prepare students for each part of the test.
• a tapescript for each of the five practice tests.
• a speaking script for each practice test so that teachers can conduct the speaking paper of each practice test under test conditions, and students can become familiar with the exact structure of the speaking paper of the test.

Fun with Fizz features:
- clearly structured, easy-to-follow lessons organised to fit the teaching year.
- all the key grammar structures and essential vocabulary required at primary level, transparently presented and methodically practised.
- a range of fun and achievable activities developing reading, writing, listening and speaking skills.
- stickers and songs to maintain a high level of motivation.
- regular revision sections.
- writing sections after every review to develop pupils’ writing skills using the grammar and vocabulary they have learnt.
- memorable songs.
- an irregular verbs list.
- Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) lessons to develop pupils’ vocabulary for school subjects.

Alphabet with captions and stickers
The book is designed for use in the first months of the school year. It represents the English alphabet, the correct spelling and pronunciation of letters.
Includes audio files with fun and attractive songs aimed at developing students' conversational skills, as well as phonetic exercises with the correct pronunciation of letters and sounds.

Activity Book
The activity book is in full-color and has been designed to practice and consolidate the lexical and grammatical units presented in the Pupil's book. It contains a wide variety of stimulating tasks which reinforce what pupils have learnt in class
- fun activities that focus on the new language, including crosswords, word searches and picture-based tasks
- page-for-page practice for every Pupil's Book lesson
- a review after every three units
- extra writing practice

Fun with Fizz Teacher's Book Contains:
- clearly laid out and easy-to-follow teaching notes for each unit in the Pupil's Book
- actual pages of the Pupil's Book embedded in full colour for ease of use
- suggestions for homework setting and checking
- additional optional activities
- a fully-illustrated End-of-year play, complete with audio and stage directions
- 12 photocopiable Tests, one for each unit of the Pupil's Book
- 4 Photocopiable Term Tests, one for each teaching term
- complete Answer Keys to the Activity Book and Tests

Fun with Fizz Test Book 1
Fun with Fizz Test Book 1 has been designed to consolidate and test the lexical and grammatical items pupils have learnt in Fun with Fizz Pupils Book 1 in a friendly and encouraging way
Fun with Fizz Test Book 1 contains:
- 12 one-page unit tests to be used after each unit
- 4 two-page tests for use after each review

Fun with Fizz Interactive Whiteboard (IWB) Software engages pupil's attention effectively and brings lessons to life
Fun with Fizz IWB contains all of the Pupil's book and the Activity book in interactive format. All the Pupil's Book presentations and songs are fully animated and can also be played each frame at a time or even each speach bubble at a time. All the exercises in the Pupil's Book and Activity Book are interactive. The listening exercises are also playable from the IWB. The grammar is presented seperately with its own animation and reference.
The IWB also presents vocabulary, colours, numbers and catchy songs.
Also included are fun games and extra activities to end each lesson on a high note. These games and activities practise the vocabulary and grammar taught in the lesson and can be done in a fun way with the class working in teams. It also contains a ''look up'' wordlist feature. When pupils find the word they're looking for, they are then presented with a picture of that item as well as the audio pronunciation of the word.
The Flashcards from the course book are presented electronically with pronunciation and pictures to make understanding easy. The IWB also contains all the posters in an interactive digital format.

Fun with Fizz 1: Class CDs
Class Audio CDs are designed to be used with the Pupil's Book amd contain the main lesson presentations, songs and chants, as well as the audio for the Expressions to Learm!, the listening tasks, the writing text models and the End-of-Year play

Fun with Fizz features:
- clearly structured, easy-to-follow lessons organised to fit the teaching year.
- all the key grammar structures and essential vocabulary required at primary level, transparently presented and methodically practised.
- a range of fun and achievable activities developing reading, writing, listening and speaking skills.
- stickers and songs to maintain a high level of motivation.
- regular revision sections.
- writing sections after every review to develop pupils’ writing skills using the grammar and vocabulary they have learnt.
- memorable songs.
- an irregular verbs list.
- Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) lessons to develop pupils’ vocabulary for school subjects.

Activity Book
The activity book is in full-color and has been designed to practice and consolidate the lexical and grammatical units presented in the Pupil's book. It contains a wide variety of stimulating tasks which reinforce what pupils have learnt in class
- fun activities that focus on the new language, including crosswords, word searches and picture-based tasks
- page-for-page practice for every Pupil's Book lesson
- a review after every three units
- extra writing practice

Fun with Fizz Teacher's Book Contains:
- clearly laid out and easy-to-follow teaching notes for each unit in the Pupil's Book
- actual pages of the Pupil's Book embedded in full colour for ease of use
- suggestions for homework setting and checking
- additional optional activities
- a fully-illustrated End-of-year play, complete with audio and stage directions
- 12 photocopiable Tests, one for each unit of the Pupil's Book
- 4 Photocopiable Term Tests, one for each teaching term
- complete Answer Keys to the Activity Book and Tests

Fun with Fizz Interactive Whiteboard (IWB) Software engages pupil's attention effectively and brings lessons to life
Fun with Fizz IWB contains all of the Pupil's book and the Activity book in interactive format. All the Pupil's Book presentations and songs are fully animated and can also be played each frame at a time or even each speach bubble at a time. All the exercises in the Pupil's Book and Activity Book are interactive. The listening exercises are also playable from the IWB. The grammar is presented seperately with its own animation and reference.
The IWB also presents vocabulary, colours, numbers and catchy songs.
Also included are fun games and extra activities to end each lesson on a high note. These games and activities practise the vocabulary and grammar taught in the lesson and can be done in a fun way with the class working in teams. It also contains a ''look up'' wordlist feature. When pupils find the word they're looking for, they are then presented with a picture of that item as well as the audio pronunciation of the word.
The Flashcards from the course book are presented electronically with pronunciation and pictures to make understanding easy. The IWB also contains all the posters in an interactive digital format.

Fun with Fizz 2: Class CDs
Class Audio CDs are designed to be used with the Pupil's Book amd contain the main lesson presentations, songs and chants, as well as the audio for the Expressions to Learm!, the listening tasks, the writing text models and the End-of-Year play

Fun with Fizz Test Book 2
Fun with Fizz Test Book 2 has been designed to consolidate and test the lexical and grammatical items pupils have learnt in Fun with Fizz Pupils Book 2 in a friendly and encouraging way
Fun with Fizz Test Book 2 contains:
- 12 one-page unit tests to be used after each unit
- 4 two-page tests for use after each review

Ping Pong Pupil’s Book includes:
• charming and amusing cartoon stories, songs and chants accompanied by a wide range of fun activities, games and hands-on crafts.
• simple, varied and enjoyable activities which are always manageable for very young learners.
• lessons which gradually introduce vocabulary and simple structures as well as the English alphabet and numbers.
• regular revision sections.
• opportunities for curriculum-based learning.
• flashcards, posters, audio CDs and interactive whiteboard software.
• comprehensive teacher support providing detailed instructions, keys and everything needed to ensure pupils’ success at pre-primary levels.

Activity Book
- activities that practise Vocabulary and Structures in a fun way. The activities include colouring, tracing and matching activities
- guided number handwriting practice on staves, Fun activities practise number recognition, sequencing and counting
- handwriting practice of lower and upper case letters on staves. Fun activities include colouring, tracing and matching. Words are provided in with the phonic sound in colour
- Craft activities which develop art skills and awareness while practicing the language of the unit in a fun way.
- Alphabet colouring cards are provided at the back of the book for extra practice after every review

Teacher's Book
- Pupil's Book Scope and Sequence
- Introduction with details on the Characters, Language skills, Components, Additional resources, Teaching guidelines, Classroom games and Pupil Assessment form
- Lesson plans, including Lesson Objectives and Materials, Warm-up suggestions, Instuctions on Introducing each lesson, Instructions for each activity, Audioscripts, Follow-up activities, Optional activities, Ending the lesson suggestions and Activity Book instructions
- Review plans, including Lesson Objectives and Materials, Revision instructions and Activity instructions
- Science Project plans including Lesson Objectives and Materials, an outline of the story, Teaching the play in class suggestions, the Audioscript, and Performance suggestions with additional roles, songs and chants
- Photocopiable materials, including Progress checks, one extra activity for the end of each unit, Handwriting staves and extra letters for Handwriting practice
- Flashcard list, including Vocabulary Flashcards and Alphabet Phonics Flashcards

Ping Pong 1: Interactive Whiteboard Software
Interactive Whiteboard Software
The Teacher's Tool on IWB software allows teachers to use and present the course in an interactive way. It includes:
- All Pupil's Book and Activity Book pages
- Audio-visual presentation of new vocabulary (flashcards)
- Fully interactive activities and games
- Posters and activities
- Fully interactive animated presentation of new vocabulary
- Enjoyable animated stories and songs

Ping Pong Pupil’s Book includes:
• charming and amusing cartoon stories, songs and chants accompanied by a wide range of fun activities, games and hands-on crafts.
• simple, varied and enjoyable activities which are always manageable for very young learners.
• lessons which gradually introduce vocabulary and simple structures as well as the English alphabet and numbers.
• regular revision sections.
• opportunities for curriculum-based learning.
• flashcards, posters, audio CDs and interactive whiteboard software.
• comprehensive teacher support providing detailed instructions, keys and everything needed to ensure pupils’ success at pre-primary levels.

Activity Book
- activities that practise Vocabulary and Structures in a fun way. The activities include colouring, tracing and matching activities
- guided number handwriting practice on staves, Fun activities practise number recognition, sequencing and counting
- handwriting practice of lower and upper case letters on staves. Fun activities include colouring, tracing and matching. Words are provided in with the phonic sound in colour
- Craft activities which develop art skills and awareness while practicing the language of the unit in a fun way.
- Alphabet colouring cards are provided at the back of the book for extra practice after every review

Teacher's book
- Pupil's Book Scope and Sequence
- Introduction with details on the Characters, Language skills, Components, Additional resources, Teaching guidelines, Classroom games and Pupil Assessment form
- Lesson plans, including Lesson Objectives and Materials, Warm-up suggestions, Instuctions on Introducing each lesson, Instructions for each activity, Audioscripts, Follow-up activities, Optional activities, Ending the lesson suggestions and Activity Book instructions
- Review plans, including Lesson Objectives and Materials, Revision instructions and Activity instructions
- Science Project plans including Lesson Objectives and Materials, an outline of the story, Teaching the play in class suggestions, the Audioscript, and Performance suggestions with additional roles, songs and chants
- Photocopiable materials, including Progress checks, one extra activity for the end of each unit, Handwriting staves and extra letters for Handwriting practice
- Flashcard list, including Vocabulary Flashcards and Alphabet Phonics Flashcards

Ping Pong 2: Interactive Whiteboard Software
Interactive Whiteboard Software
The Teacher's Tool on IWB software allows teachers to use and present the course in an interactive way. It includes:
- All Pupil's Book and Activity Book pages
- Audio-visual presentation of new vocabulary (flashcards)
- Fully interactive activities and games
- Posters and activities
- Fully interactive animated presentation of new vocabulary
- Enjoyable animated stories and songs

Little Genius includes:
- simple and amusing cartoon stories presenting key grammar areas in context
- carefully controlled language so that it's always familiar to students
- grammar presented in small manageable chunks
- clear and easy-to-follow reference sections in Greek
- a wide variety of illustrated exercises carefully graded to build young learners' confidence step by step
- regular revision units which help students consolidate what they've learned

Little Genius includes:
- simple and amusing cartoon stories presenting key grammar areas in context
- carefully controlled language so that it's always familiar to students
- grammar presented in small manageable chunks
- clear and easy-to-follow reference sections in Greek
- a wide variety of illustrated exercises carefully graded to build young learners' confidence step by step
- regular revision units which help students consolidate what they've learned

![Primary Classic Readers: [Level 1]: Cinderella](/uploads/2/f/8973722-shop-middle.jpg)
![Primary Classic Readers: [Level 1]: The Princess and the Pea](/uploads/8/4/6290068-shop-middle.jpg)
![Primary Classic Readers: [Level 1]: The Emperor's New Clothes](/uploads/5/b/2024117-shop-middle.jpg)
![Primary Classic Readers: [Level 1]: The Hen that Laid the Golden Eggs](/uploads/9/b/9367643-shop-middle.jpg)
![Primary Classic Readers: [Level 1]: The Little Mermaid](/uploads/f/0/5573428-shop-middle.jpg)

Student’s Book
- 5 units that present various topics of vocabulary and grammar that are designed to motivate students and get them reading, writing, listening and speaking in English from the very first lesson.
- 5 Reload sections, one at the end of every unit to reinforce vocabulary and grammar presented.
- 3 Progress Reviews, one after every 2 units and a final one, to further consolidate the vocabulary and grammar.
- Grammar Reference to support the grammar theory presented in each unit.

English Download Starter Interactive Whiteboard Software
Interactive Whiteboard Software contains the student's book and the workbook in digital format. Most of the tasks found in these books are interactive and have been developed to be easy to use by both students and teachers alike. The DVD links for the student's book openers as well as the audio accompanying both the student's book and the workbook listening tasks can be easily accessed. The reading passages found on the student's book are narrated on the IWB. Justification for all student's book and workbook reading comprehension and listening tasks is available at the touch of a button, as is the key to all tasks. The audio required for the listening tests in the Testbook has also been included.

English Download Starter Class CDs
Audio CDs
This component consists of Class Audio CD, Workbook Audio CD and Test Book Audio CD. The class CD contains the narration of the reading passages as well all audio required for the listening tasks found in the student's book. The workbook CD contains the recordings required for the listening tasks in the workbook. The test book audio CD includes the audio required for the Mid-Year Listening Test and the End-of-Year Listening Test. The recordings found on all audio CDs can be accessed on the IWB and downloaded from the website. Professional actors are used in all recordings to ensure clarity and accurate intonation and pronunciation.
![English Download [Starter]](/uploads/6/9/9194291-shop-middle.jpg)
English Download [Starter]

Pupil's Book with e-book features:
- exciting unit profile pages with striking visuals that engage students through personalised warm-up tasks
- clearly-structured, easy-to-follow lessons organised to fit the teaching year
- all the key language required for for primary school pupils, transparently presented and methodically practised
- fun and achievable activities smoothly introducing pupils to all four skills
- carefully graded Phonics lessons
- special Arts and Crafts pages with video
- theme-related Kids' Planet pages with engaging real-life topics
- stimulating CLIL pages focussing on other school subjects such as maths and science in English, which aim to enrich the learners' experience
- memorable songs, chants and special sing-and-dance videos

English Download Starter Workbook
- 5 units containing carefully developed tasks designed to motivate students and to get them reading and writing from the very first lesson
- 3 Progress Reviews, one after every two units and a final one, to consolidate the vocabulary and grammar in the units
An Interactive version of the Workbook, including the audio, can be found on the Interactive Whiteboard Software

Practice Test for YLE 2018 Starters Interactive Whiteboard Software

![Primary Classic Readers: [Level 2]: Thumbelina](/uploads/b/2/8225704-shop-middle.png)
![Primary Classic Readers: [Level 2]: Gulliver’s Travels](/uploads/0/3/8745008-shop-middle.png)
Primary Classic Readers: [Level 2]: Gulliver’s Travels
Gulliver’s Travels is a tale about a man who finds himself in the kingdom of Lilliput after his ship sinks. The people of Lilliput are very small and they think that Gulliver is a giant.
- Activities
- E-book
![Primary Classic Readers: [Level 2]: The Brave Little Tailor](/uploads/0/4/3282904-shop-middle.png)
![Primary Classic Readers: [Level 2]: The Elves and the Shoemaker](/uploads/f/1/9131455-shop-middle.png)
Primary Classic Readers: [Level 2]: The Elves and the Shoemaker
The Elves and the Shoemaker is a story about a poor shoemaker and his wife. One morning, they discover a pair of beautiful shiny shoes in their workshop. Some elves have paid them a visit in the night.
- Activities
- E-book
![Primary Classic Readers: [Level 2]: The Pied Piper](/uploads/3/3/4786053-shop-middle.png)
![Primary Classic Readers: [Level 3]: Peter Pan](/uploads/5/a/9347686-shop-middle.png)
Primary Classic Readers: [Level 3]: Peter Pan
Peter Pan is the well-known story about a boy who can fly and his adventures on the island of Neverland with Wendy and her brothers, Tinker Bell the fairy, the Lost Boys and a pirate called Captain Hook.
- Activities
- E-book
![Primary Classic Readers: [Level 3]: The Snow Queen](/uploads/3/f/5649929-shop-middle.png)
![Primary Classic Readers: [Level 3]: The Tin Soldier](/uploads/a/7/3909849-shop-middle.png)
![Primary Classic Readers: [Level 3]: Tom Thumb](/uploads/9/4/5521657-shop-middle.png)
![Primary Classic Readers: [Level 3]: William Tell](/uploads/1/a/1587347-shop-middle.png)

Aesop’s Fable: The Ants and the Grasshopper
The Ants and the Grasshopper is the well-loved story based on an Aesop’s Fable, where a lazy grasshopper spends all summer playing while his friends the ants work hard to collect food for the winter months. When winter comes, poor Grasshopper has nothing to eat.
The moral of the story is: Don’t play all summer. Plan for winter too.
- Activities
- E-book

Aesop’s Fable: The Donkey and his Shadow
The Donkey and his Shadow is the well-loved story based on an Aesop’s Fable, where a man who is walking gets tired. He pays a farmer to ride his donkey. They rest when the sun gets hot. But they fight over who can sit in the donkey’s shadow and the donkey runs away.
The moral of the story is: When you fight about something, you both get nothing.
- Activities
- E-book

Aesop’s Fable: The Bear and the Travellers
The Bear and the Travellers is the well-loved story based on an Aesop’s Fable, where two girls go to the forest. One girl is scared, but her friend says they are safe together. But when a dangerous bear appears, her friend climbs a tree and doesn’t help the girl.
The moral of the story is: A real friend helps you when there is danger.
- Activities
- E-book

Aesop’s Fable: The Donkey in the Lion’s Skin
The Donkey in the Lion’s Skin is the well-loved story based on an Aesop’s Fable, where a donkey wants to be admired so he wears a lion’s skin. He scares the farm animals and the villagers. But a fox tells him to be happy about being a donkey.
The moral of the story is:Don’t copy someone else. Be yourself.
- Activities
- E-book

Aesop’s Fable: The Fox and the Crow
The Fox and the Crow is the well-loved story based on an Aesop’s Fable, where a hungry fox wants to eat a crow’s piece of cheese. The fox flatters the crow and gets him to sing for her. The crow drops the cheese when he sings and the fox eats it. The moral of the story is:
Sometimes people say things just to get what they want from you.
- Activities
- E-book

Aesop’s Fable: The Foolish Rabbit
The Foolish Rabbit is the well-loved story based on an Aesop’s Fable, where a rabbit who likes talking spreads an untrue story. While he is sleeping under a tree an acorn falls on his head. He tells the animals that the sky is falling and they are scared. But a wise owl tells everyone that the rabbit’s story isn’t true and there is no need to be scared.
The moral of the story is: Don’t scare your friends with stories that aren’t true.
- Activities
- E-book

Aesop’s Fable: The Fox and the Grapes
The Fox and the Grapes is the well-loved story based on an Aesop’s Fable, where a fox sees some grapes she likes. She tries to reach them but she cannot. She decides she doesn’t like the grapes after all because she thinks that they are probably sour.
The moral of the story is: It’s easy to hate what you cannot have.
- Activities
- E-book

Aesop’s Fable: The Thirsty Crow
The Thirsty Crow is the well-loved story based on an Aesop’s Fable, where a crow gets thirsty while he is flying. He sees a jug of water, but he cannot reach the water to drink. He slowly puts pebbles in the jug one at a time. Eventually the water rises and he can drink.
The moral of the story is: Keep trying when you have a good idea.
- Activities
- E-book

The Tortoise and the Hare is the well-loved story based on an Aesop’s Fable, where a hare brags that he can win a race. A tortoise agrees to race the hare. The tortoise is slow but he is steady, whereas the fast hare stops for a rest and falls asleep. The tortoise wins the race.
The moral of the story is: Fast is not always best. Winners are often slow and steady.
- Activities
- E-book

Aesop’s Fable: The Fox and the Sick Lion
The Fox and the Sick Lion is the well-loved story based on an Aesop’s Fable, where a fox follows some tracks to a cave where a sick lion lives. The fox sees many animals go into the cave. The lion invites the fox in, but the fox realises that the tracks go in but they don’t come out, so he walks away.
The moral of the story is: Clever people see what happens to others and they walk away from danger.
- Activities
- E-book

Aesop’s Fable: The Fox and the Goat
The Fox and the Goat is the well-loved story based on an Aesop’s Fable, where a fox falls in a well and can’t climb out. The fox persuades a goat to jump in the well. But he climbs up the goat’s horns, gets out of the well and leaves the goat there alone.
The moral of the story is: Think about things before you jump in.
- Activities
- E-book

Aesop's Fable: The Lion and the Mouse
The Lion and the Mouse is the well-loved story based on an Aesop’s Fable, where a mouse is caught by a lion. The mouse begs the lion to be kind and to let him go, and the lion agrees. When the lion gets caught in a hunter’s net, the mouse chews through the ropes and frees him.
The moral of the story is: It is always best to be kind.
- Activities
- E-book

Ping Pong Starter engages learners through motivating illustrated stories, songs and chants followed by enjoyable playful activities.
Ping Pong Starter features:
- Words lessons, which teach children their first vocabulary and phrases in English, concentrating on lexical items young children can relate to.
- Every day language activities, which teach new language to use with vocabulary.
- Values activities, which practise good behaviour and appropriate English expressions in social situations.
- Story and Song lessons, which present and practise words and language in a fun way.
- Sticker activities and crafts.

Ping Pong Starter Teacher's Book contains:
- clear and easy-to-follow teaching notes for the Pupil's Book and the Activity Book
- detailed lesson objectives and materials guide
- audioscripts
- extra photocopiable pages
- letters to parents which update them on their child's progress
- extra online printable material

Ping Pong Starter: Flashcards
The Flashcard Pack contains all the vocabulary items taught in the course, and flashcards are labeled with the unit and the word itself for the teacher. As well as being used for vocabulary and revision, the flashcards are used in a variety of games and activities as suggested in the Teacher's Book.

Ping Pong Starter: Interactive Whiteboard Software
Interactive Whiteboard Software
The IWB software allows teachers to use and present the course in an interactive way. It includes:
- All Pupil's Book pages
- Audio-visual presentation of new vocabulary
- Fully interactive activities and games
- Cross curricular posters and activities
- Fully interactive animated presentation of new vocabulary
- enjoyable animated stories and songs
- Videos demonstrating the craft activities

Fun Box Starter: Activity Book
Fun Box Starter Activity Book features:
- an introductory unit
- practice for every main lesson in the Pupil's Book, in full colour
- fun activities that focus on the new language
- carefully constructed tasks that are simple for young learners to do as homework
- a delightful mix of real-life and artwork-based visuals that stimulate young learners
- actual write-in spaces for young children to handwrite their answers
- a gentle introduction to Phonics in carefully graded steps
- overprinted answers and teacher's notes

Fun Box Starter: Teacher's Book
Fun Box Teacher's Book features:
- clearly laid out and easy-to follow teaching notes for each unit in the Pupil's Book
- actual pages of the Pupil's book embedded in full colour for ease of use
- specially highlighted aims and materials needed for each lesson
- suggestions for using flashcards, starting and ending lessons, using the audio and video resources, etc.
- additional follow-up activities
- 8 photocopiable Quizzes, one for each unit of the Pupil's Book
- 2 photocopiable Progress Checks, one for each teaching term
- complete Audioscript and Answer Keys to the Pupil's Book, Activity Book, Quizzes and Progress Checks

Fun Box Alphabet & Starter Book
This is a separate book which teaches pupils how to write and form the English alphabet. Pupils are shown how to write the letters of the alphabet and at the same time learn useful vocabulary that is used later in the course book. Pupils learn both upper and lower case letters. This booklet also includes lessons teaching colours and numbers with fun songs and videos.

Fun Box Pupil’s Book includes:
- 12 graded units each with 3 two-page lessons.
- clearly structured, easy to follow lessons organised to fit the teaching year.
- all the key grammar structures and essential vocabulary required at primary level, transparently presented and methodically practised.
- a range of fun and achievable activities developing all four skills.
- CLIL lessons in each unit. The CLIL lessons focus on learning about another school subject such as maths, science, music or arts in English.

Fun Box Activity Book
Fun Box Activity Book has been designed in full colour and provides ample practice of the grammatical and lexical items presented in the Pupil’s Book. It contains a wide variety of stimulating tasks which develop pupils’ reading and writing skills and consolidate what they have learnt in class.
Fun Box Activity Book features:
- page-for-page practice for every main lesson in the Pupil's Book, in full colour
- fun activities that focus on the new language
- carefully constructed tasks that are simle for young learners do do as homework
- additional revision exercises every two units
- actual write-in spaces for young children to handwrite their answers
- enjoyable language games and extra sticker activities to enhance the learners' sense of achievement
- finger puppets with charmng cartoon characters to engage and motivate learners

Fun Box 1: Teacher's Book
The Fun Box 1 Teacher's Book Contains:
- clearly laid out and easy-to-follow teaching notes for each unit in the Pupil's Book
- actual pages of the Pupil's Book embedded in full colour for ease of use
- specially highlighted aims and materlials needed for each lesson
- suggestions for homework setting and checking
- additional optional activities
- a fully-illustrated End-of-year play, complete with audio and stage directions
- 12 photocopiable Tests, one for each unit of the Pupil's Book
- 3 Photocopiable Term Tests, one for each teaching term
- complete Answer Keys to the Activity Book and Tests

Fun Box 1: Interactive Whiteboard Software
Fun Box Interactive Whiteboard (IWB) Software engages pupil's attention effectively and brings lessons to life
Fun Box IWB contains all of the Pupil's book and the Activity book in interactive format. All the Pupil's Book presentations and songs are fully animated and can also be played each frame at a time or even each speach bubble at a time. All the exercises in the Pupil's Book and Activity Book are interactive. The listening exercises are also playable from the IWB. The grammar is presented seperately with its own animation and reference.
The IWB also presents vocabulary, colours, numbers and catchy songs.
Also included are fun games and extra activities to end each lesson on a high note. These games and activities practise the vocabulary and grammar taught in the lesson and can be done in a fun way with the class working in teams. It also contains a ''look up'' wordlist feature. When pupils find the word they're looking for, they are then presented with a picture of that item as well as the audio pronunciation of the word.
The Flashcards from the course book are presented electronically with pronunciation and pictures to make understanding easy. The IWB also contains all the posters in an interactive digital format
Finally, the Fun Box IWB also includes the complete IWB software for the Fun Box Alphabet and Starter Book

Fun Box Pupil’s Book includes:
- 12 graded units each with 3 two-page lessons.
- clearly structured, easy to follow lessons organised to fit the teaching year.
- all the key grammar structures and essential vocabulary required at primary level, transparently presented and methodically practised.
- a range of fun and achievable activities developing all four skills.
- CLIL lessons in each unit. The CLIL lessons focus on learning about another school subject such as maths, science, music or arts in English.

Fun Box Activity Book
Fun Box Activity Book has been designed in full colour and provides ample practice of the grammatical and lexical items presented in the Pupil’s Book. It contains a wide variety of stimulating tasks which develop pupils’ reading and writing skills and consolidate what they have learnt in class.
Fun Box Activity Book features:
- page-for-page practice for every main lesson in the Pupil's Book, in full colour
- fun activities that focus on the new language
- carefully constructed tasks that are simle for young learners do do as homework
- additional revision exercises every two units
- actual write-in spaces for young children to handwrite their answers
- enjoyable language games and extra sticker activities to enhance the learners' sense of achievement
- finger puppets with charmng cartoon characters to engage and motivate learners

Fun Box 2: Teacher's Book
The Fun Box 2 Teacher's Book Contains:
- clearly laid out and easy-to-follow teaching notes for each unit in the Pupil's Book
- actual pages of the Pupil's Book embedded in full colour for ease of use
- specially highlighted aims and materlials needed for each lesson
- suggestions for homework setting and checking
- additional optional activities
- a fully-illustrated End-of-year play, complete with audio and stage directions
- 12 photocopiable Tests, one for each unit of the Pupil's Book
- 3 Photocopiable Term Tests, one for each teaching term
- complete Answer Keys to the Activity Book and Tests

Fun Box 2: Interactive Whiteboard Software
Fun Box Interactive Whiteboard (IWB) Software engages pupil's attention effectively and brings lessons to life
Fun Box IWB contains all of the Pupil's book and the Activity book in interactive format. All the Pupil's Book presentations and songs are fully animated and can also be played each frame at a time or even each speach bubble at a time. All the exercises in the Pupil's Book and Activity Book are interactive. The listening exercises are also playable from the IWB. The grammar is presented seperately with its own animation and reference.
The IWB also presents vocabulary, colours, numbers and catchy songs.
Also included are fun games and extra activities to end each lesson on a high note. These games and activities practise the vocabulary and grammar taught in the lesson and can be done in a fun way with the class working in teams. It also contains a ''look up'' wordlist feature. When pupils find the word they're looking for, they are then presented with a picture of that item as well as the audio pronunciation of the word.
The Flashcards from the course book are presented electronically with pronunciation and pictures to make understanding easy. The IWB also contains all the posters in an interactive digital format

Fun with Fizz features:
- clearly structured, easy-to-follow lessons organised to fit the teaching year.
- all the key grammar structures and essential vocabulary required at primary level, transparently presented and methodically practised.
- a range of fun and achievable activities developing reading, writing, listening and speaking skills.
- stickers and songs to maintain a high level of motivation.
- regular revision sections.
- writing sections after every review to develop pupils’ writing skills using the grammar and vocabulary they have learnt.
- memorable songs.
- an irregular verbs list.
- Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) lessons to develop pupils’ vocabulary for school subjects.

Activity Book
The activity book is in full-color and has been designed to practice and consolidate the lexical and grammatical units presented in the Pupil's book. It contains a wide variety of stimulating tasks which reinforce what pupils have learnt in class
- fun activities that focus on the new language, including crosswords, word searches and picture-based tasks
- page-for-page practice for every Pupil's Book lesson
- a review after every three units
- extra writing practice

Fun with Fizz 3: Test Book
Fun with Fizz Test Book 3
Fun with Fizz Test Book 3 has been designed to consolidate and test the lexical and grammatical items pupils have learnt in Fun with Fizz Pupils Book 3 in a friendly and encouraging way
Fun with Fizz Test Book 3 contains:
- 12 one-page unit tests to be used after each unit
- 4 two-page tests for use after each review

Fun with Fizz Teacher's Book Contains:
- clearly laid out and easy-to-follow teaching notes for each unit in the Pupil's Book
- actual pages of the Pupil's Book embedded in full colour for ease of use
- suggestions for homework setting and checking
- additional optional activities
- a fully-illustrated End-of-year play, complete with audio and stage directions
- 12 photocopiable Tests, one for each unit of the Pupil's Book
- 4 Photocopiable Term Tests, one for each teaching term
- complete Answer Keys to the Activity Book and Tests

Fun with Fizz 3: Class CDs
Class Audio CDs are designed to be used with the Pupil's Book and contain the main lesson presentations, songs and chants, as well as the audio for the Expressions to Learn!, the listening tasks, the writing text models and the End-of-Year play

Fun with Fizz 3: Interactive Whiteboard Software
Fun with Fizz Interactive Whiteboard (IWB) Software engages pupil's attention effectively and brings lessons to life
Fun with Fizz IWB contains all of the Pupil's Book and the Activity book in interactive format. All the Pupil's Book presentations and songs are fully animated and can also be played each frame at a time or even each speach bubble at a time. All the exercises in the Pupil's Book and Activity Book are interactive. The listening exercises are also playable from the IWB. The grammar is presented seperately with its own animation and reference.
The IWB also presents vocabulary, colours, numbers and catchy songs.
Also included are fun games and extra activities to end each lesson on a high note. These games and activities practise the vocabulary and grammar taught in the lesson and can be done in a fun way with the class working in teams. It also contains a ''look up'' wordlist feature. When pupils find the word they're looking for, they are then presented with a picture of that item as well as the audio pronunciation of the word.
The Flashcards from the course book are presented electronically with pronunciation and pictures to make understanding easy. The IWB also contains all the posters in an interactive digital format.

English Download Starter Pre-A1: Student's book with Workbook
Student’s Book with Workbook includes:
- 5 theme-related units, each containing carefully developed tasks designed to develop students’ reading, writing, listening and speaking skills as well as build on their vocabulary and grammar.
- 5 Reload sections, one at the end of each unit, to reinforce vocabulary and grammar presented.
- 3 Progress Reviews, one after every two units and a final one, to consolidate the vocabulary and grammar.
- a Grammar Reference to support the grammar theory presented in each unit.
- a Writing Bank and a Speaking

English Download Starter Pre-A1: Interactive Whiteboard Software

Key features
- Five units that present various topics of vocabulary and grammar that are designed to motivate students and get them reading, writing, listening and speaking in English from the very first lesson.
- Reload sections, one at the end of every unit, to reinforce vocabulary and grammar presented.
- Progress Reviews, one after every two units and a final one, to further consolidate the vocabulary and grammar.
- A Grammar Reference to support the grammar theory presented in each unit.

American Download Pre-A1 Workbook practices and consolidates the skills, vocabulary and the grammar taught in the student's book. The structure of the workbook unit reflects that of the units of the student's book, providing a valuable tool that allows students to follow up lesson-by-lesson on the student's book content. Its clear and simple format means that it can be used by students at home as well as in class.
Key features
- Five units containing carefully developed tasks designed to motivate students and to get them reading, writing, listening and speaking from the very first lesson.
- Three Progress Reviews, one after every two units and a final one, to consolidate the vocabulary and grammar in the units.

American Download Pre-A1 Teacher's Book provides everything the teacher needs to make best use of the material in the Student's Book.
- clear lesson plans with detailed instructions and the key to all tasks from the Student's Book.
- the recording script for the listening tasks included in the Student's Book.
- the key for all tasks in the Workbook.

American Download Starter Class CD
The Class CD contains the narration of the reading passages as well as all audio required for the listening tasks found in the Student's Book. The recordings can also be accessed on the IWB or downloaded from the website. Professional actors are used in all recordings to ensure clarity and accurate intonation and pronunciation.

American Download Starter Interactive Whiteboard Software
Interactive Whiteboard Software contains the Student's Book and the Workbook in digital format. The reading passages found in the Student's Book are narrated on the IWB. Justification for all Student's Book and Workbook reading comprehension and listening tasks is available at the touch of a button, as is the key to all tasks.

Kid's Zone features:
- Exciting unit profile pages with striking visuals that engage students through personalised warm-up tasks
- Clearly structured, easy-to-follow lessons organised to fit the teaching year
- All the key grammar and essential vocabulary required for primary school students, transparently presented and methodically practised
- Fun and achievable activities developing and practising all four skills
- Stimulating CLIL pages focussing on other school subjects such as maths and science in English, which aim to enrich the learner's experience
- Theme-related culture pages that introduce learners to the English-speaking world
- Regular revision sections
- Memorable songs, chants and special sing-and-dance videos
- A special Values section in every unit

Kids' Zone 1: Activity Book
Kids' Zone Activity Book features:
- an introductory unit
- practice for every main lesson in the Pupil's Book, in full colour
- fun activities that focus on the new language
- carefully constructed tasks that are simple for young learners to do as homework
- a delightful mix of real-life and artwork-based visuals that stimulate young learners
- actual write-in spaces for young children to handwrite their answers
- a gentle introduction to Phonics in carefully graded steps

Kids' Zone 1: Teacher's Book
Kids' Zone Teacher's Book contains:
- clearly laid out and easy-to-follow teaching notes for each unit of the Pupil's Book
- actual pages of the Pupil's Book embedded in full colour for ease of use
- specially highlighted aims and materials needed for each lesson
- suggestions for using flashcards, starting and ending lessons, using the audio and video resources, etc.
- additional follow-up activities
- 8 photocopiable Quizzes, one for each unit of the Pupil's Book
- 2 Photocopiable Progress Checks, one for each teaching term
- complete Audioscripts and Answer Keys to the Pupil's Book, Activity Book, Quizzes and Progress Checks

Kid's Zone features:
- Exciting unit profile pages with striking visuals that engage students through personalised warm-up tasks
- Clearly structured, easy-to-follow lessons organised to fit the teaching year
- All the key grammar and essential vocabulary required for primary school students, transparently presented and methodically practised
- Fun and achievable activities developing and practising all four skills
- Stimulating CLIL pages focussing on other school subjects such as maths and science in English, which aim to enrich the learner's experience
- Theme-related culture pages that introduce learners to the English-speaking world
- Regular revision sections
- Memorable songs and chants
- A special Values section in every unit

Kids' Zone 2: Activity Book
Kids' Zone Activity Book features:
- an introductory unit
- practice for every main lesson in the Pupil's Book, in full colour
- fun activities that focus on the new language
- carefully constructed tasks that are simple for young learners to do as homework
- a delightful mix of real-life and artwork-based visuals that stimulate young learners
- actual write-in spaces for young children to handwrite their answers
- a gentle introduction to Phonics in carefully graded steps

Kids' Zone 2: Teacher's Book
Kids' Zone Teacher's Book contains:
- clearly laid out and easy-to-follow teaching notes for each unit of the Pupil's Book
- actual pages of the Pupil's Book embedded in full colour for ease of use
- specially highlighted aims and materials needed for each lesson
- suggestions for using flashcards, starting and ending lessons, using the audio and video resources, etc.
- additional follow-up activities
- 8 photocopiable Quizzes, one for each unit of the Pupil's Book
- 2 Photocopiable Progress Checks, one for each teaching term
- complete Audioscripts and Answer Keys to the Pupil's Book, Activity Book, Quizzes and Progress Checks

Kid's Zone features:
- Exciting unit profile pages with striking visuals that engage students through personalised warm-up tasks
- Clearly structured, easy-to-follow lessons organised to fit the teaching year
- All the key grammar and essential vocabulary required for primary school students, transparently presented and methodically practised
- Fun and achievable activities developing and practising all four skills
- Stimulating CLIL pages focussing on other school subjects such as maths and science in English, which aim to enrich the learner's experience
- Theme-related culture pages that introduce learners to the English-speaking world
- Regular revision sections
- Memorable songs and chants
- A special Values section in every unit

Kids' Zone 3: Activity Book
Kids' Zone Activity Book features:
- an introductory unit
- practice for every main lesson in the Pupil's Book, in full colour
- fun activities that focus on the new language
- carefully constructed tasks that are simple for young learners to do as homework
- a delightful mix of real-life and artwork-based visuals that stimulate young learners
- actual write-in spaces for young children to handwrite their answers
- a gentle introduction to Phonics in carefully graded steps

Kids' Zone 3: Teacher's book
Kids' Zone Teacher's Book contains:
- clearly laid out and easy-to-follow teaching notes for each unit of the Pupil's Book
- actual pages of the Pupil's Book embedded in full colour for ease of use
- specially highlighted aims and materials needed for each lesson
- suggestions for using flashcards, starting and ending lessons, using the audio and video resources, etc.
- additional follow-up activities
- 8 photocopiable Quizzes, one for each unit of the Pupil's Book
- 2 Photocopiable Progress Checks, one for each teaching term
- complete Audioscripts and Answer Keys to the Pupil's Book, Activity Book, Quizzes and Progress Checks

Kid's Zone features:
- Exciting unit profile pages with striking visuals that engage students through personalised warm-up tasks
- Clearly structured, easy-to-follow lessons organised to fit the teaching year
- All the key grammar and essential vocabulary required for primary school students, transparently presented and methodically practised
- Fun and achievable activities developing and practising all four skills
- Stimulating CLIL pages focussing on other school subjects such as maths and science in English, which aim to enrich the learner's experience
- Theme-related culture pages that introduce learners to the English-speaking world
- Regular revision sections
- Memorable songs and chants
- A special Values section in every unit

Kids' Zone 4: Activity Book
Kids' Zone Activity Book features:
- an introductory unit
- practice for every main lesson in the Pupil's Book, in full colour
- fun activities that focus on the new language
- carefully constructed tasks that are simple for young learners to do as homework
- a delightful mix of real-life and artwork-based visuals that stimulate young learners
- actual write-in spaces for young children to handwrite their answers
- a gentle introduction to Phonics in carefully graded steps

Kids' Zone 4: Teacher's Book
Kids' Zone Teacher's Book contains:
- clearly laid out and easy-to-follow teaching notes for each unit of the Pupil's Book
- actual pages of the Pupil's Book embedded in full colour for ease of use
- specially highlighted aims and materials needed for each lesson
- suggestions for using flashcards, starting and ending lessons, using the audio and video resources, etc.
- additional follow-up activities
- 8 photocopiable Quizzes, one for each unit of the Pupil's Book
- 2 Photocopiable Progress Checks, one for each teaching term
- complete Audioscripts and Answer Keys to the Pupil's Book, Activity Book, Quizzes and Progress Checks

English Download Pre-A1 Student’s Book includes:
• 10 theme-related units, each containing carefully designed tasks to develop students’ reading, listening, speaking and writing skills as well as build on their vocabulary and grammar.
• 10 Reload sections, one at the end of each unit, to reinforce vocabulary and grammar presented.
• 5 Progress Reviews, one after every two units, to further consolidate the vocabulary and grammar.
• a Grammar Reference to support the grammar theory presented in each unit.
• a Writing Bank and a Speaking Bank to support students’ productive skills
An interactive version of English Download Pre-A1 Student's Book, including the audio necessary for the listening activities, can be found on the English Download Pre-A1 Interactive Whiteboard Software.

English Download Pre-A1 Workbook
- 10 theme-related units containing Reading, Vocabulary, Grammar, Listening and Writing Sections. The vocabulary and grammar taught in each unit of the Student's Book is further practised in exam-style tasks in the Use-Your-English sections of each unit
- 5 Progress Reviews, providing further consolidation of the vocabulary and grammar
An Interactive version of the Workbook, including the audio, can be found on the Interactive Whiteboard Software

English Download Pre-A1 Interactive Whiteboard Software

Pupil's Book with colour stickers, a free Picture Dictionary and a downloadable e-book
Fun with Little Fizz provides pupils with a carefully graded introduction to English which develops their vocabulary and teaches the alphabet through fun stories, clear and user-friendly lesson organisation and ample practice and revision.
Fun with Little Fizz features:
- clearly-structured, easy-to-follow lessons organised to fit the teaching year.
- essential vocabulary and key language required at pre-primary level, transparently presented and methodically practised.
- a range of fun and achievable activities developing listening, speaking, letter writing and passive reading skills.
- stickers, songs and chants to maintain a high level of motivation.
- regular revision sections
- a cartoon story after every review to entertain pupils and revise vocabulary and language from the lessons.
- fun games, crafts and rhymes

Fun with Little Fizz Activity Book features:
- activities that practise key vocabulary and the alphabet in a fun way, such as colouring tracing, drawing and matching.
- fun number recognition, sequencing and counting activities.
- guided handwriting practice of lower case and upper case letterson staves.
- plentiful use of colour stickers both within tasks and as a reward.
- reviews after every five lessons.
- colouring pages of key vocabulary at the end of the book.

Fun with Little Fizz Pre-Primary Interactive Whiteboard Software

American Download Pre-A1 Student's Book Key features:
- 10 theme-related units, each containing carefully developed tasks designed to develop students' reading, writing, listening and speaking skills
- 10 Reload sections, one at the end of each unit, to reinforce vocabulary and grammar presented
- 5 Progress Reviews, one after every two units, to consolidate the vocabulary and grammar
- a Grammar Reference to support the grammar theory presented in each unit
- a Writing Bank and a Speaking Bank to support students' productive skills

American Download Pre-A1 Workbook practices and consolidates the skills, vocabulary and the grammar taught in the Student's Book. The structure of the Workbook unit reflects that of the units of the Student's Book, providing a valuable tool that allows students to follow up lesson-by-lesson on the Student's Book content. Its clear and simple format means that it can be used by students at home as well as in class.
Key features
- 10 theme-related units, each containing Reading, Vocabulary, Grammar, Listening, and Writing sections. The vocabulary and grammar taught in each unit of the Student’s Book is further practiced in exam-style tasks in the Use Your English sections of each unit.
- 5 progress reviews, providing further consolidation of the vocabulary and grammar.
An interactive version of American Download Pre-A1 Workbook, including the audio necessary for the listening activities, can be found on the American Download A1 Interactive Whiteboard Software.

American Download Pre-A1 Teacher's Book provides everything the teacher needs to make best use of the material in the Student's Book.
American Download Pre-A1 Teacher's Book contains:
- clear lesson plans with detailed instructions and the key to all tasks from the Student's Book
- suggestions for extension tasks and teaching tips
- the recording script with justification underlined for the listening tasks included in the Student's Book
- photocopiable tasks for use with students who finish early in class, as a way of reviewing prior to a test or as extra practice of the vocabulary and grammar in the student's book
- the keys and recording scripts (justification underlined) for the Workbook and the Test Book

American Download Pre-A1 Audio
This component consists of Class Audio CD, Workbook Audio CD and Test Book Audio CD.
The Class CD contains the narration of the reading passages as well as all audio required for the listening tasks found in the Student's Book. The Workbook CD contains the recordings required for the listening tasks in the Workbook. The Test Book CD includes the audio required for the Mid-Year Listening Test and the End-of-Year Listening Test. The recordings found on all audio CDs can be accessed on the Interactive Whiteboard Software. Professional actors are used in all recordings to ensure clarity and accurate intonation and pronunciation.

American Download Pre-A1 Interactive Whiteboard Software
American Download Pre-A1 Interactive Whiteboard Software contains the Student's Book and the Workbook in digital format. Most of the tasks found in these books are interactive and have been developed to be easy to use by both students and teachers alike. The DVD links for the Student's Book openers as well as the audio accompanying both the Student's Book and the and the Workbook listening tasks can be easily accessed. The reading passages found in the Student's Book are narrated on the on the IWB. Justification for all Student's Book and and Workboook reading comprehension and listening tasks is available at the touch of a button, as is the key to all tasks.
The audio required for the listening tests in the Test Book has also been included

American Download Pre-A1 Test Book contains a comprehensive set of tests that assess student's progress at various stages of the course.
- 10 multiple-choice quizzes that focus on the key vocabulary and grammar from the ten units of the student's book
- 5 progress tests, one for use after every two units of the student's book, that include reading, vocabulary, grammar and writing tasks
- a mid-year writing test and an end-of-year writing test covering reading, Use Your English, and writing.
- a mid-year listening test and an end-of-year listening test, the audio for which can be found in American Download Pre-A1 Class Audio CD & Test Audio CD and also in American Download Pre-A1 Interactive Whiteboard Software.
The American Download Pre-A1 Test Book also includes useful Student's Score Sheets, where test results and comments can be recorded.

Little Yeti! is an exciting new course for very young learners which is beautifully illustrated and full of fun activities. Ideal for completely new learners as well as learners who have done one year of baby English classes.
Little Yeti! includes:
• language expressions lessons.
• learn the alphabet lessons.
• full-colour stickers.
• fun crafts, songs and chants.
• free Picture Dictionary.
• ‘Say it!’ feature.
• downloadable teachers’ resources.
New Advanced Interactive Whiteboard Software featuring:
• interactive lesson pages.
• animated lessons.
• animated song videos.
• sing-along videos with real-life children.
• craft videos with real-life children.
• fun interactive whiteboard games to end your lessons and reinforce the language learnt.

Little Yeti! has exciting stories and fun activities which will engage pupils, while providing them with a gradual introduction to vocabulary and the alphabet.
Little Yeti! Pre-Primary Activity Book features:
● activities that practise key vocabulary and the alphabet in a fun way, such as colouring, tracing, drawing and matching.
● fun number recognition, sequencing and counting activities.
● guided handwriting practice of lower case and upper case letters on staves.
● plentiful use of colour stickers both within tasks and as a reward.
● reviews after every five lessons.
● colouring pages of key vocabulary at the end of the book.

Little Yeti! Pre-Primary Teacher's Book features:
• clearly laid out and easy-to-follow teaching notes for each lesson in the Pupil's Book and Activity Book.
• actual pages of the Pupil's Book in full colour embedded in the teaching notes.
• optional additional activities.
• flashcard games.
• photocopiable Make pages for craft activities.

Yeti and Friends! Alphabet & Starter Book has been designed to be completed in one month. It introduces young pupils to the English alphabet and shows them how to form and pronounce each letter.
Pupils are shown how to write the upper and lower case letters. Each letter is practised with words which are level-appropriate. Pupils are also taught colours and the numbers 1-10 after learning the alphabet.
Yeti and Friends! Alphabet & Starter Book is accompanied by an alphabet app and audio track which can be used to learn correct pronunciation (included in the pupil’s e-book).
Yeti and Friends! Alphabet & Starter Book is also compatible with the new and exciting Hamilton House Interactive Talking pen! This includes both audio and interactive practice to help pupils learn the correct pronunciation and have fun doing the activities while watching 3D animations.
Yeti and Friends! Alphabet & Starter Book features:
• guidance on how to form each letter of the alphabet correctly, both upper and lower case.
• ample letter formation practice on specially drawn lined sections.
• an introduction to basic vocabulary.
• chants and fun action songs children will love.
• fun activities to practise letter recognition.
• a special section on the numbers 1-10, colours, letter blends and vowels.
• letter pronunciation practice in the e-book.
• compatibility with the Talking Pen

Yeti and Friends! Primary 1 Pupil's Book includes: Picture Dictionary
Yeti and Friends! is an exciting new primary course for young learners. The adventures of Yeti, Tina and Tony with their magic scrapbook will entertain pupils and make learning English lots of fun!
Yeti and Friends! has exciting stories and fun activities which will engage pupils, while the carefully-graded syllabus provides them with step-by-step development of vocabulary and language skills.
Pupil’s Book includes:
• 30 lessons, grouped into 5 lesson sections
• 6 revision lessons after each section
• fun crafts
• extra stories
• level-appropriate CLIL, STEM and Values activities
• stickers and songs to engage and motivate pupils

Yeti and Friends! Activity Book is in full colour and has been designed to practise and consolidate the vocabulary and grammar presented in Yeti and Friends! Pupil’s Book.
It contains a variety of fun and stimulating tasks which reinforce what pupils have learnt in class.
Yeti and Friends! Activity Book features:
● fun activities which practise the new language, including crosswords, word searches and picture-based tasks.
● page-for-page practice for every Pupil’s Book lesson.
● regular revision lessons.
● extra writing tasks which give pupils the opportunity to use the vocabulary and grammar they have learnt.

Yeti and Friends Primary 1 Test Book
Yeti and Friends Primary 1 Test Book has been designed to consolidate and test the lexical and grammatical items pupils have learnt in Yeti Pupils Book 1 in a friendly and encouraging way
Yeti and Friends Primary 1 Test Book contains:
- 12 one-page unit tests to be used after each unit
- 4 two-page tests for use after each review

Yeti and Friends Primary 1 Vocabulary Flash Cards
The Flashcards Pack contains vocabulary items taught in the course, and flashcards are labeled with the unit and the word itself for the teacher.
As well as being used for vocabulary and revision, the flashcards are used in a variety of games and activities as suggested in the Teacher's Book.

Yeti and Friends Primary 1 Teacher's Book
Yeti and Friends Junior A Teacher's Book Contains:
- clearly laid out and easy-to-follow teaching notes for each unit in the Pupil's Book
- actual pages of the Pupil's Book embedded in full colour for ease of use
- suggestions for homework setting and checking
- additional optional activities
- a fully-illustrated End-of-year play, complete with audio and stage directions
- 12 photocopiable Tests, one for each unit of the Pupil's Book
- 4 Photocopiable Term Tests, one for each teaching term
- complete Answer Keys to the Activity Book and Tests

Yeti and Friends Primary 1 Interactive Whiteboard Software

Yeti and Friends! is an exciting new primary course for young learners. The adventures of Yeti, Tina and Tony with their magic scrapbook will entertain pupils and make learning English lots of fun!
Yeti and Friends! has exciting stories and fun activities which will engage pupils, while the carefully-gradedsyllabus provides them with step-by-step development
of vocabulary and language skills.
Pupil’s Book includes:
• 30 lessons, grouped into 5 lesson sections
• 6 revision lessons after each section
• fun crafts
• extra stories
• level-appropriate CLIL, STEM and Values activities
• stickers and songs to engage and motivate pupils

Yeti and Friends! Junior B Activity Book
Yeti and Friends! Activity Book is in full colour and has been designed to practise and consolidate the vocabulary and grammar presented in Yeti and Friends! Pupil’s Book. It contains a variety of fun and stimulating tasks which reinforce what pupils have learnt in class.
Yeti and Friends! Activity Book contains:
• fun activities which practise the new language, including crosswords, word searches and picture-based tasks.
• page-for-page practice for every Pupil’s Book lesson.
• regular revision lessons.
• extra writing tasks which give pupils the opportunity to use the vocabulary and grammar they have learnt.

Yeti and Friends Junior B Test Book
Yeti and Friends Junior B Test Book has been designed to consolidate and test the lexical and grammatical items pupils have learnt in Yeti Pupils Book 1 in a friendly and encouraging way
Yeti and Friends Junior B Test Book contains:
- 12 one-page unit tests to be used after each unit
- 4 two-page tests for use after each review

The Flashcards Pack contains vocabulary items taught in the course, and flashcards are labeled with the unit and the word itself for the teacher.
As well as being used for vocabulary and revision, the flashcards are used in a variety of games and activities as suggested in the Teacher's Book.

Yeti and Friends Primary 2 Teacher's Book
Yeti and Friends Junior B Teacher's Book Contains:
- clearly laid out and easy-to-follow teaching notes for each unit in the Pupil's Book
- actual pages of the Pupil's Book embedded in full colour for ease of use
- suggestions for homework setting and checking
- additional optional activities
- a fully-illustrated End-of-year play, complete with audio and stage directions
- 12 photocopiable Tests, one for each unit of the Pupil's Book
- 4 Photocopiable Term Tests, one for each teaching term
- complete Answer Keys to the Activity Book and Tests

Yeti and Friends Primary 2 Interactive Whiteboard Software

English Journey is an exciting and complete ten-level English course especially researched and written to appeal to young learners and teenagers alike. Its carefully constructed syllabus gradually and effectively takes your students from Pre-A1 (Beginner) to C2 level (Proficiency) in the CEFR. Each level is of a manageable length and can be completed in one academic year.
English Journey 1 features:
• exciting unit profile pages with striking visuals that engage students through personalised warm-up tasks
• clearly-structured, easy-to-follow lessons organised to fit the teaching year
• all the key grammar and essential vocabulary required for primary school students, transparently presented and methodically practised
• fun and achievable activities developing and practising all four skills
• stimulating CLIL pages focussing on other school subjects such as maths and science in English, which aim to enrich the learners’ experience
• theme-related culture pages that introduce learners to the English-speaking world
• regular revision sections
• memorable songs and chants
• a special Values section in every unit

English Journey is an exciting and complete ten-level English course especially researched and written to appeal to young learners and teenagers alike. Its carefully constructed syllabus gradually and effectively takes your students from Pre-A1 (Beginner) to C2 level (Proficiency) in the CEFR. Each level is of a manageable length and can be completed in one academic year.
English Journey 2 features:
• exciting unit profile pages with striking visuals that engage students through personalised warm-up tasks
• clearly-structured, easy-to-follow lessons organised to fit the teaching year
• all the key grammar and essential vocabulary required for primary school students, transparently presented and methodically practised
• fun and achievable activities developing and practising all four skills
• stimulating CLIL pages focussing on other school subjects such as maths and science in English, which aim to enrich the learners’ experience
• theme-related culture pages that introduce learners to the English-speaking world
• regular revision sections
• memorable songs and chants
• a special Values section in every unit

English Journey is an exciting and complete ten-level English course especially researched and written to appeal to young learners and teenagers alike. Its carefully constructed syllabus gradually and effectively takes your students from Pre-A1 (Beginner) to C2 level (Proficiency) in the CEFR. Each level is of a manageable length and can be completed in one academic year.
English Journey 1 features:
• exciting unit profile pages with striking visuals that engage students through personalised warm-up tasks
• clearly-structured, easy-to-follow lessons organised to fit the teaching year
• all the key grammar and essential vocabulary required for primary school students, transparently presented and methodically practised
• fun and achievable activities developing and practising all four skills
• stimulating CLIL pages focussing on other school subjects such as maths and science in English, which aim to enrich the learners’ experience
• theme-related culture pages that introduce learners to the English-speaking world
• regular revision sections
• memorable songs and chants
• a special Values section in every unit

English Journey is an exciting and complete ten-level English course especially researched and written to appeal to young learners and teenagers alike. Its carefully constructed syllabus gradually and effectively takes your students from Pre-A1 (Beginner) to C2 level (Proficiency) in the CEFR. Each level is of a manageable length and can be completed in one academic year.
English Journey 2 features:
• exciting unit profile pages with striking visuals that engage students through personalised warm-up tasks
• clearly-structured, easy-to-follow lessons organised to fit the teaching year
• all the key grammar and essential vocabulary required for primary school students, transparently presented and methodically practised
• fun and achievable activities developing and practising all four skills
• stimulating CLIL pages focussing on other school subjects such as maths and science in English, which aim to enrich the learners’ experience
• theme-related culture pages that introduce learners to the English-speaking world
• regular revision sections
• memorable songs and chants
• a special Values section in every unit

English Journey is an exciting and complete ten-level English course especially researched and written to appeal to young learners and teenagers alike. Its carefully constructed syllabus gradually and effectively takes your students from Pre-A1 (Beginner) to C2 level (Proficiency) in the CEFR. Each level is of a manageable length and can be completed in one academic year.
English Journey 2 features:
• exciting unit profile pages with striking visuals that engage students through personalised warm-up tasks
• clearly-structured, easy-to-follow lessons organised to fit the teaching year
• all the key grammar and essential vocabulary required for primary school students, transparently presented and methodically practised
• fun and achievable activities developing and practising all four skills
• stimulating CLIL pages focussing on other school subjects such as maths and science in English, which aim to enrich the learners’ experience
• theme-related culture pages that introduce learners to the English-speaking world
• regular revision sections
• memorable songs and chants

English Journey is an exciting and complete ten-level English course especially researched and written to appeal to young learners and teenagers alike. Its carefully constructed syllabus gradually and effectively takes your students from Pre-A1 (Beginner) to C2 level (Proficiency) in the CEFR. Each level is of a manageable length and can be completed in one academic year.
English Journey 1 features:
• exciting unit profile pages with striking visuals that engage students through personalised warm-up tasks
• clearly-structured, easy-to-follow lessons organised to fit the teaching year
• all the key grammar and essential vocabulary required for primary school students, transparently presented and methodically practised
• fun and achievable activities developing and practising all four skills
• stimulating CLIL pages focussing on other school subjects such as maths and science in English, which aim to enrich the learners’ experience
• theme-related culture pages that introduce learners to the English-speaking world
• regular revision sections
• memorable songs and chants
• a special Values section in every unit

English Download Beginner Pre-A1.1
• 5 theme-related units, each containing carefully developed tasks designed to develop students’ reading, writing, listening and speaking skills as well as build on their vocabulary and grammar.
• 5 Reload sections, one at the end of each unit, to reinforce vocabulary and grammar presented.
• 3 Progress Reviews, one after every two units and a final one, to consolidate the vocabulary and grammar.
• a Grammar Reference to support the grammar theory presented in each unit.
• a Writing Bank and a Speaking Bank to support students’ productive skills.

English Download Beginner Pre-A1.2
• 5 theme-related units, each containing carefully developed tasks designed to develop students’ reading, writing, listening and speaking skills as well as build on their vocabulary and grammar.
• 5 Reload sections, one at the end of each unit, to reinforce vocabulary and grammar presented.
• 3 Progress Reviews, one after every two units and a final one, to consolidate the vocabulary and grammar.
• a Grammar Reference to support the grammar theory presented in each unit.
• a Writing Bank and a Speaking Bank to support students’ productive skills.

Days to Celebrate provides pupils with a fun introduction to five special days which are celebrated in English-speaking countries around the world. Vocabulary is presented with entertaining stories, then practised with fun activities and songs.
Days to Celebrate has been developed for young learners and is the perfect addition to every young learner’s course. The
entertaining lessons will engage pupils’ attention and make learning English fun.
Days to Celebrate features:
✱ Halloween
✱ Christmas
✱ Valentine’s Day
✱ Easter
✱ Mother’s Day
✱ Colouring pages

Yeti and Friends Junior A Language Booster
Helps pupils consolidate their understanding of each lesson in the Pupil's Book. It is a combined Companion and Grammar Book. It offers complete support for young learners as it includes full coverage of all new vocabulary items and all grammar structures in the order presented in the corresponding Pupil's Book.
Yeti and Friends Junior A Language Booster features:
- Greek translation of all new words and phrases in the order they appear in the Pupil's Book, with special notes and points to remember
- cartoon presentations of each grammar structure taught in the corresponding Pupil's Book lesson
- simple explanations in Greek of each new grammar srtucture
- fun tasks on all key vocabulary items and grammar areas
- extra revision tasks that help pupils consolidate what they have learnt

English Journey 1 Workbook features:
• an introductory unit
• page-for-page practice for every main lesson in the Student’s Book, in full colour
• fun activities that focus on the new language
• carefully constructed tasks that are simple for young learners to do as homework
• additional revision exercises every two units
• actual write-in spaces for young children to handwrite their answers
• enjoyable language games and extra sticker activities to enhance the learners’ sense of achievement

English Journey 2 Workbook features:
• an introductory unit
• page-for-page practice for every main lesson in the Student’s Book, in full colour
• fun activities that focus on the new language
• carefully constructed tasks that are simple for young learners to do as homework
• additional revision exercises every two units
• actual write-in spaces for young children to handwrite their answers
• enjoyable language games and extra sticker activities to enhance the learners’ sense of achievement

English Journey 1 Workbook features:
• an introductory unit
• page-for-page practice for every main lesson in the Student’s Book, in full colour
• fun activities that focus on the new language
• carefully constructed tasks that are simple for young learners to do as homework
• additional revision exercises every two units
• actual write-in spaces for young children to handwrite their answers
• enjoyable language games and extra sticker activities to enhance the learners’ sense of achievement

English Journey 2 Workbook features:
• an introductory unit
• page-for-page practice for every main lesson in the Student’s Book, in full colour
• fun activities that focus on the new language
• carefully constructed tasks that are simple for young learners to do as homework
• additional revision exercises every two units
• actual write-in spaces for young children to handwrite their answers
• enjoyable language games and extra sticker activities to enhance the learners’ sense of achievement

English Journey 1 Workbook features:
• an introductory unit
• page-for-page practice for every main lesson in the Student’s Book, in full colour
• fun activities that focus on the new language
• carefully constructed tasks that are simple for young learners to do as homework
• additional revision exercises every two units
• actual write-in spaces for young children to handwrite their answers
• enjoyable language games and extra sticker activities to enhance the learners’ sense of achievement

English Journey 2 Workbook features:
• an introductory unit
• page-for-page practice for every main lesson in the Student’s Book, in full colour
• fun activities that focus on the new language
• carefully constructed tasks that are simple for young learners to do as homework
• additional revision exercises every two units
• actual write-in spaces for young children to handwrite their answers
• enjoyable language games and extra sticker activities to enhance the learners’ sense of achievement

Yeti and Friends! One Year Course combines both Junior A and Junior B in one year.
Pupils will follow the humorous adventures of the characters while progressing at a fast pace.
Yeti and Friends! features:
● clearly-structured, easy-to-follow lessons organised to fit the school year.
● essential vocabulary and key grammar structures required at primary level, clearly presented, practised and revised.
● a range of fun and achievable activities developing listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.
● stickers and songs to maintain a high level of motivation.
● regular revision lessons.
● fun and achievable crafts with video demonstrations.
● extra stories to encourage interest in places around the world.
● level-appropriate CLIL, STEM and Values activities

Yeti and Friends One Year Course Activity Book
The Activity Book is in full-color and has been designed to practice and consolidate the lexical and grammatical units presented in the Pupil's book. It contains a wide variety of stimulating tasks which reinforce what pupils have learnt in class
- fun activities that focus on the new language, including crosswords, word searches and picture-based tasks
- page-for-page practice for every Pupil's Book lesson
- a review after every three units
- extra writing practice

Yeti and Friends One Year Course Language Booster
Yeti and Friends One Year Course Language Booster features |
Yeti and Friends One Year Course Language Booster features:Helps pupils consolidate their understanding of each lesson in the Pupil's Book. It is a combined Companion and Grammar Book. It offers complete support for young learners as it includes full coverage of all new vocabulary items and all grammar structures in the order presented in the corresponding Pupil's Book.
- Greek translation of all new words and phrases in the order they appear in the Pupil's Book, with special notes and points to remember
- cartoon presentations of each grammar structure taught in the corresponding Pupil's Book lesson
- simple explanations in Greek of each new grammar srtucture
- fun tasks on all key vocabulary items and grammar areas
- extra revision tasks that help pupils consolidate what they have learnt

Yeti and Friends One Year Course Test Book
Yeti and Friends! One Year Course Test Book has been designed to consolidate and test the lexical and grammatical items pupils have learnt in Yeti and Friends! One Year Course Pupil’s Book in a friendly and encouraging way.
Yeti and Friends! One Year Course Test Book contains:
● 1 one-page quiz to be used after the Welcome lesson.
● 18 one-page quizzes to be used to regularly check pupils’ progress.
● 9 two-page tests to be used after each review

Yeti and Friends One Year Course Interactive Whiteboard Software

Yeti and Friends Junior B Language Booster
Helps pupils consolidate their understanding of each lesson in the Pupil's Book. It is a combined Companion and Grammar Book. It offers complete support for young learners as it includes full coverage of all new vocabulary items and all grammar structures in the order presented in the corresponding Pupil's Book.
Yeti and Friends Junior B Language Booster features:
- Greek translation of all new words and phrases in the order they appear in the Pupil's Book, with special notes and points to remember
- cartoon presentations of each grammar structure taught in the corresponding Pupil's Book lesson
- simple explanations in Greek of each new grammar srtucture
- fun tasks on all key vocabulary items and grammar areas
- extra revision tasks that help pupils consolidate what they have learnt

American Kids’ Zone is a brand new and exciting multi-level course for young learners in primary school classes.
American Kids’ Zone progresses gradually, helping your students reach the required vocabulary and language skill level to continue smoothly into secondary school classes.
American Kids’ Zone 1 features:
● exciting unit profile pages with striking visuals that engage students through personalized warm-up tasks
● clearly-structured, easy-to-follow lessons organized to fit the teaching year
● all the key language required for primary school students, transparently presented and methodically practiced
● fun and achievable activities smoothly introducing students to all four skills
● carefully graded Phonics lessons
● special Arts and Crafts pages with video
● theme-related Kids’ Planet pages with engaging real-life topics
● stimulating CLIL pages focussing on other school subjects such as math and science in English, which aim to enrich the learners’ experience
● memorable songs, chants and special sing-and-dance videos

American Kids' Zone 1 Workbook
American Kids’ Zone Workbook features:
● an introductory unit
● practice for every main lesson in the Student’s Book, in full color
● fun activities that focus on the new language
● carefully constructed tasks that are simple for young learners to do as homework
● a delightful mix of real-life and artwork-based visuals that stimulate young learners
● actual write-in spaces for young children to handwrite their answers
● a gentle introduction to Phonics in carefully graded steps

American Kids’ Zone is a brand new and exciting multi-level course for young learners in primary school classes.
American Kids’ Zone progresses gradually, helping your students reach the required vocabulary and language skill level to continue smoothly into secondary school classes.
American Kids’ Zone 2 features:
● exciting unit profile pages with striking visuals that engage students through personalized warm-up tasks
● clearly-structured, easy-to-follow lessons organized to fit the teaching year
● all the key grammar and essential vocabulary required for primary school students, transparently presented and methodically practiced
● fun and achievable activities developing and practicing all four skills
● stimulating CLIL pages focussing on other school subjects such as math and science in English, which aim to enrich the learners’ experience
● theme-related culture pages that introduce learners to the English-speaking world
● regular revision sections
● memorable songs and chants
● a special Values section in every unit

American Kids' Zone 2 Workbook
American Kids’ Zone Workbook features:
● an introductory unit
● page-for-page practice for every main lesson in the Student’s Book, in full color
● fun activities that focus on the new language
● carefully constructed tasks that are simple for young learners to do as homework
● additional revision exercises every two units
● actual write-in spaces for young children to handwrite their answers
● enjoyable language games and extra sticker activities to enhance the learners’ sense of achievement

American Kids’ Zone is a brand new and exciting multi-level course for young learners in primary school classes.
American Kids’ Zone progresses gradually, helping your students reach the required vocabulary and language skill level to continue smoothly into secondary school classes.
American Kids’ Zone 3 features:
● exciting unit profile pages with striking visuals that engage students through personalized warm-up tasks
● clearly-structured, easy-to-follow lessons organized to fit the teaching year
● all the key grammar and essential vocabulary required for primary school students, transparently presented and methodically practiced
● fun and achievable activities developing and practicing all four skills
● stimulating CLIL pages focussing on other school subjects such as math and science in English, which aim to enrich the learners’ experience
● theme-related culture pages that introduce learners to the English-speaking world
● regular revision sections
● memorable songs and chants
● a special Values section in every unit

American Kids' Zone 3 Workbook
American Kids’ Zone Workbook features:
● an introductory unit
● page-for-page practice for every main lesson in the Student’s Book, in full color
● fun activities that focus on the new language
● carefully constructed tasks that are simple for young learners to do as homework
● additional revision exercises every two units
● actual write-in spaces for young children to handwrite their answers
● enjoyable language games and extra sticker activities to enhance the learners’ sense of achievement

American Kids’ Zone 4 features:
●exciting unit profile pages with striking visuals that engage students through personalized warm-up tasks
● clearly-structured, easy-to-follow lessons organized to fit the teaching year
● all the key grammar and essential vocabulary required for primary school students, transparently presented and methodically practiced
● fun and achievable activities developing and practicing all four skills
● stimulating CLIL pages focussing on other school subjects such as math and science in English, which aim to enrich the learners’ experience
● theme-related culture pages that introduce learners to the English-speaking world
● regular revision sections
● memorable songs and chants
● a special Values section in every unit

American Kids' Zone 4 Workbook
American Kids’ Zone Workbook features:
● an introductory unit
● page-for-page practice for every main lesson in the Student’s Book, in full color
● fun activities that focus on the new language
● carefully constructed tasks that are simple for young learners to do as homework
● additional revision exercises every two units
● actual write-in spaces for young children to handwrite their answers
● enjoyable language games and extra sticker activities to enhance the learners’ sense of achievement

Fun Box Pre-Primary features:
● clearly-structured, easy-to-follow lessons organised to fit the teaching year.
● essential vocabulary and key language required at pre-primary level, transparently presented and methodically practised.
● a range of fun and achievable activities developing listening, speaking, letter writing and passive reading skills.
● stickers, songs and chants to maintain a high level of motivation.
● regular revision sections.
● a cartoon story after every review to entertain pupils and revise vocabulary and language from the lessons.
● fun games, crafts and rhymes.

Days to Celebrate provides pupils with a fun introduction to five special days which are celebrated in English-speaking countries around the world. Vocabulary is presented with entertaining stories, then practised with fun activities and songs.
Days to Celebrate has been developed for young learners and is the perfect addition to every young learner’s course. The
entertaining lessons will engage pupils’ attention and make learning English fun.
Days to Celebrate features:
✱ Thanksgiving
✱ Carnival
✱ Pancake Day
✱ Pet Day
✱ Earth Day
✱ Colouring pages

Days to Celebrate Primary 1
Days to Celebrate provides pupils with a fun introduction to five special days which are celebrated in English-speaking countries around the world. Vocabulary is presented with entertaining stories, then practised with fun activities and songs.
Days to Celebrate has been developed for young learners and is the perfect addition to every young learner’s course. The
entertaining lessons will engage pupils’ attention and make learning English fun.
Days to Celebrate features:
✱ Halloween
✱ Christmas
✱ Valentine’s Day
✱ Easter
✱ Mother’s Day
✱ Colouring pages

Yeti and the magic worm is a story about Yeti and his pet worm who get together to play naughty tricks on Yeti’s family.
Yeti and Friends Readers is a two-level collection of fun stories for young learners of English. The readers are graded in terms of vocabulary and grammar to reflect Primary 1 and Primary 2 levels.
Each book contains:
● fun colour illustrations to motivate students in their reading.
● a picture glossary at the back of each book to build readers’ vocabulary.
● an activity section designed to revise and consolidate the vocabulary found in each book.
● an e-book with animation and a dramatised narration performed by professional actors

Yeti and the hot-air balloon is a story about Yeti and a journey he makes in a hot-air balloon and how two dolphins help him when he has some
Yeti and Friends Readers is a two-level collection of fun stories for young learners of English. The readers are graded in terms of vocabulary
and grammar to reflect Primary 1 and Primary 2 levels.
Each book contains:
● fun colour illustrations to motivate students in their reading.
● a picture glossary at the back of each book to build readers’ vocabulary.
● an activity section designed to revise and consolidate the vocabulary found in each book.
● an e-book with animation and a dramatised narration performed by professional actors.

Yeti goes to the zoo
Yeti goes to the zoo is a story about the day Yeti goes to the zoo to see the animals and what happens after the zookeeper goes home.
Yeti and Friends Readers is a two-level collection of fun stories for young learners of English. The readers are graded in terms of vocabulary and
grammar to reflect Primary 1 and Primary 2 levels.
Each book contains:
● fun colour illustrations to motivate students in their reading.
● a picture glossary at the back of each book to build readers’ vocabulary.
● an activity section designed to revise and consolidate the vocabulary found in each book.
● an e-book with animation and a dramatised narration performed by professional actors

Yeti goes to the circus
Yeti goes to the circus is a story about the day Yeti goes to the circus with his grandparents and what happens when he meets the clowns.
Yeti and Friends Readers is a two-level collection of fun stories for young learners of English. The readers are graded in terms of vocabulary and
grammar to reflect Primary 1 and Primary 2 levels.
Each book contains:
● fun colour illustrations to motivate students in their reading.
● a picture glossary at the back of each book to build readers’ vocabulary.
● an activity section designed to revise and consolidate the vocabulary found in each book.
● an e-book with animation and a dramatised narration performed by professional actors.

Go Global’s Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing activities provide a carefully-graded syllabus. The series starts with step-by-step development of vocabulary and language skills for younger learners. It gradually develops over each level with age-appropriate material and activities, which help students build their knowledge and improve their fluency.
The user-friendly lesson cycle organisation gives students ample practice and revision.
Go Global 2 features:
• clearly-structured, easy-to-follow lessons organised to fit the school year.
• essential vocabulary and key grammar structures, clearly presented, practised and revised.
• a range of fun and achievable activities developing listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.
• stickers and songs to maintain a high level of motivation.
• regular revision lessons.
• fun and achievable crafts with video demonstrations.
• extra stories to entertain and to encourage interest in the world.
• additional activities, including CLIL, STEM, Values and 21st century skills

Go Global’s Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing activities provide a carefully-graded syllabus. The series starts with step-by-step development of vocabulary and language skills for younger learners. It gradually develops over each level with age-appropriate material and activities, which help students build their knowledge and improve their fluency.
The user-friendly lesson cycle organisation gives students ample practice and revision.
Go Global 3 features:
• clearly-structured, easy-to-follow lessons organised to fit the school year.
• essential vocabulary and key grammar structures, clearly presented, practised and revised.
• a range of fun and achievable activities developing listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.
• stickers and songs to maintain a high level of motivation.
• regular revision lessons.
• fun and achievable crafts with video demonstrations.
• extra stories to entertain and to encourage interest in the world.
• additional activities, including CLIL, STEM, Values and 21st century skills.

Go Global’s Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing activities provide a carefully-graded syllabus. The series starts with step-by-step development of vocabulary and language skills for younger learners. It gradually develops over each level with age-appropriate material and activities, which help students build their knowledge and improve their fluency.
The user-friendly lesson cycle organisation gives students ample practice and revision.
Go Global 4 features:
• clearly-structured, easy-to-follow lessons organised to fit the school year.
• essential vocabulary and key grammar structures, clearly presented, practised and revised.
• a range of fun and achievable activities developing listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.
• stickers and songs to maintain a high level of motivation.
• regular revision lessons.
• fun and achievable crafts with video demonstrations.
• extra stories to entertain and to encourage interest in the world.
• additional activities, including CLIL, STEM, Values and 21st century skills.