Student's Book with e-book, Reader and Writing booklet
Hot Shots Student’s Book Each level is divided into 8 topic-related cycles. The cycles, which cover all skills, are of a manageable length and all 8 cycles can be completed in one school year.
Each of the eight cycles contains:
• stimulating and manageable two-page lessons designed to be simple to use and easy to teach.
• a carefully-structured review which checks students’ progress.
• a topic-related writing activity in the separate Writing Booklet.
• an exciting episode of the on-going story with exercises contained in the free reader.
There are also several topic-related projects and plays which practise and consolidate the vocabulary and grammar taught at this level. Students will be able to perform these plays for parents and friends, giving them a great sense of achievement.

Hot Shots Workbook practises and consolidates vocabulary and grammar taught in the Student’s Book. Its clear and simple format means that it can be used by students at home as well as in class.
Hot Shots Workbook contains:
• 36 two-page lessons each consisting of three vocabulary and three grammar tasks which relate directly to the lesson in the Student’s Book.
• a wide variety of stimulating and enjoyable tasks, including word banks, spell checks, anagrams, crosswords, word searches and picture-based tasks.
• 8 large word searches, one for each of the topic-related cycles

Hot Shots 1: Teacher's book
Hot Shots Teacher's book
Hot Shots Teacher's Book is a complete step-by-step guide for teachers. Each lesson from the Student's Book is reproduced in the Teacher's Book for easy reference, and iis easy-to-follow layout provides busy teachers with a valuable teaching aid.
- clear and concise lesson plans for all lessons, reviews and reading episodes
- keys to all the exercises in the Student's Book
- extra reading comprehension questions for each lesson
- suggestions for extra class activities and extra activities for early finishers
- tips for the teacher
- tapescripts for the listening exercises in the Student's Book
- notes on topic-related projecs
- practical advice on how to put on the plays with guidance on rehearsals, stage management, choosing the cast and making costumes and props
- photocopiable material for early finishers and Hot Word exercises
- keys to the workbook and Test Book for easier marking

Hot Shots 1: Interactive Whiteboard Software
Interactive Whiteboard Software includes fully-interactive versions of both Student's book and Workbook, as well as full video animation of the Reader and interactive links to video to help bring your classroom to life.